News History:
- August 6, 2015:
Rick Alsop made 1st place
at the Falling Walls
competition and will represent McMaster and Canada in Berlin in
November. Congrats!

- July 23, 2015:
While in Germany we are visiting
Salditt's Lab at the University of Göttingen.

- July 18-22, 2015:
We are attending the
Biophysics Congress EBSA2015 in Dresden.

- June 19, 2015:
Jennifer Tang won 1st
Prize in the oral student competition in the
Division of Medical and
Biological Physics at
CAP in Edmonton!
She was then one of the 8 finalists for the overall competition and
won the

- June 18, 2015:
Jenn Tang's work in Alzheimer's disease is featured on
Physics World!
- June 14-19, 2015:
Jennifer Tang and Maikel Rheinstadter are attending the
2015 Congress of the
Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) in Edmonton, Canada.
Maikel was serving as the
Chair of the Division of
Medical and Biological Physics.
- May 14, 2015:
Adree Khondker presented
Intel ISEF 2015 and wins big: Spectroscopy - 3rd Place Award by
Intel ISEF and Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh. Congratulations,
Adree!!! Check out the video:

- Adree Khondker, currently a
grade 12 student at Westdale Secondary School,
won one of the top prizes at the Bay Area Science and Engineering
Fair with a project that he conducted in our lab!

- May, 2015:
Jenn Tang has just started to work in the lab during summer for her
USRA project!
- April 11, 2015:
Laura Toppozini presented her latest project "A 2-dimensional
Diffusion Map of Membrane Hydration Water" at the
Chemical Biophysics Symposium
2015 in Toronto.

- April 11, 2015:
Jenn Tang presented her project "The Formation of Alzheimer's
Plaques in Synthetic Membranes" at the
Chemical Biophysics Symposium
2015 in Toronto.

- April 11, 2015:
Asfia Soomro presented her research practicum project "Hair as a
Diagnostic Tool" at the Chemical Biophysics Symposium 2015 in Toronto.

- April 11, 2015:
Lily Zhang presented her thesis project "X-ray Study of Human Hair
Structure" at the Chemical
Biophysics Symposium 2015 in Toronto.

- April 10, 2015:
Rick Alsop talked about "Aspirin Inhibits the Formation of
Cholesterol Rafts in Fluid Lipid Membranes" at the
Chemical Biophysics Symposium
2015 in Toronto.

- March 31, 2015:
Adree Khondker
made third place at BASEF
2015 with the project 'Membrane-Based Medicine: Quantifying
Cortisone Interactions through X-Ray Diffraction' that he conducted
in our lab!
- March 31, 2015:
Adree Khondker presented his project "Quantifying Cortisone
Interactions with Lipid Membranes through X-Ray Diffraction " at
BASEF 2015.

- March 31, 2015:
Dr. Rheinstadter was invited to speak at the
Integrated Science Symposium 2015
at McMaster.
- March 30, 2015:
Richard also was awarded an NSERC PGSD scholarship. Congratulations;
well deserved, Rick!
- March 30, 2015:
Former lab member Hannah Dies was awarded a prestigious NSERC Vanier
scholarship. Congratulations, Hannah!
- March 2-6, 2015:
Maikel was invited to
"Mechanistic Studies in Membrane Biophysics: Experiments and Theory"
in Telluride CO, organized by Ed Lyman and Peter Tieleman. Thanks
for having me for this great workshop!

- January 9-11, 2015:
Jenn Tang and Mindy
Chapman presented their work at the Canadian Conference for
Undergraduate Women in Physics (CCUWIP) at the Université Laval,
Québec, QC. Jenn talked about "The Formation of Alzheimer’s Plaques
in Synthetic Membranes ". Mindy's poster was titled "Formation of
RNA from nucleotides in different environments". Congratulations!

- December 12, 2014:
Jenn and Maikel are conducting a neutron experiment at the Institut
Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France! Big thanks to Karin Schmalzl for
having us!

- November 21, 2014:
Fei-Chi Yang is now officially Master Fei-Chi! Congratulations, well

- November 13, 2014:
Richard Alsop won first prize for his poster
"The Interaction of Common Drugs with Lipid Membranes" presented at
Fourth Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop-School on
ESS Science, November 10-14 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Congratulations, Rick!!!

- November 11, 2014:
Prof. Rheinstadter is invited to give the
Colloquium in the Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences
at the University of Toronto-Mississauga. Thank you very much for
the invitation!
- November 6, 2014:
Jenn Tang presented her summer research today at the NSERC USRA
poster session. Congratulations, Jenn, well done!

- October 25, 2014:
Jenn Tang presented her
project "The Formation of Alzheimer’s Plaques in Synthetic
Membranes" at the Canadian
Undergraduate Conference at Queen's University. Congratulations,

- September 19, 2014:
Fei-Chi Yang successfully defended her Master's thesis "X-Ray
Scattering of Biomaterials". Great job, Fei-Chi! Congratulations!!!

- September 17, 2014:
Rick Alsop was Breaking
the Wall of unforeseen drug side-effects at the

- June 20, 2014:
Rick Alsop made 1st Place for his Oral Presentation at the
2014 CAP Congress
in the Division of Medical and Biological Physics. Congratulations,

- June 16-20, 2014:
Laura, Fei-Chi, Hannah, Alina, Rick and Maikel are at the
2014 CAP Congress in
Sudbury and talking about their projects!

- June 5, 2014:
Laura, Fei-Chi, Rick and Maikel are visiting the
in Tennessee.

- June 1-5, 2014:
Laura, Fei-Chi and Rick are presenting at the
American Conference on
Neutron Scattering (ACNS) in Knoxville, Tennessee. Great job,

- May 11-16, 2014:
Laura, Hannah and Maikel are presenting at
QENS 2014 in Autrans, France:

- May, 2014:
Jennifer Tang joined our team. She will use her NSERC-USRA to
investigate the structure of amyloid peptides in Alzheimer's
plaques. Welcome, Jenn!

- May 2-4, 2014:
Laura, Fei-Chi, Rick, Hannah, Jenn and Maikel were presenting at the
Chemical Biophysics Symposium
2014 in Toronto. Another great Symposium; thanks for organizing
and having us!

- April 25, 2014:
Time for a new group photo:

- April 25, 2014:
End-of-term lunch. Thanks ton for another great year!!!

- April 8, 2014:
Fei-Chi Yang was awarded the Franke Dennee Scholarship 2013-2014.
Congratulations, Fei-Chi! Well deserved!
- April 3, 2014: Graduation
Dinner. Meet the Class of 2014:

- April 2, 2014:
Hannah Dies presented her thesis "Amyloid-b
protein interactions in biological membranes". Congratulations,
Hannah! Well done!

- March 4, 2014:
Rick explained at the
March Meeting in Denver, CO, that "Aspirin Increases the
Solubility of Cholesterol in DMPC Membranes". Well done, Rick!
- March 4, 2014:
Fei-Chi spoke at the
March Meeting in Denver, CO, about her project "Hierarchical,
Self-Similar Structure in Native Squid Pen". Congratulations, Fei-Chi!

- March 4, 2014:
Dr. Rheinstadter was invited by the McMaster Life Science Society to
speak at the
McMaster Inter-Disciplinary Research Exposition. Thank you very
much for the invitation!

- February 20, 2014:
Laura Toppozini made 1st Place at
in Biology and Biotechnology NIBB2014! The price was awarded by
Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt. Congratulations, Laura!!!

- February 18-22, 2014:
Laura and Maikel are presenting at
in Biology and Biotechnology NIBB2014 in Grenoble, France:

- February 2014:
Laura and Maikel at the Institut Laue-Langevin, the word's most
influential center for neutron research. Mille Thanks Karin for the

- February 2014:
Grenoble Impressions (with former group member Matt Barrett from HZB).
Criss explains Cadrans Solaires (sundials):

January 11, 2014: Hannah presented her Alzheimer's
project at the Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CCUWiP)
at McGill. Awesome poster, Hannah!!!

- December 21, 2013:
Happy Holidays! Elves are around, give them a click!

- December 6, 2013:
Nikolaus Party! Guess who is behind that beard...;-)

- November 27, 2013:
Christian Wagner
from Saarland University was visiting McMaster
and giving our Physics and Astronomy Colloquium.

- November 25, 2013:
Dr. Rheinstadter is giving this week's
Origins Institute Colloquium and is talking about "Molecular Evolution".

- October 25-26, 2013:
We were hosting the
Canadian Institute
for Neutron Scattering Annual General Meeting 2013 at McMaster.
It was a great meeting and Laura, Rick, Fei-Chi and Hannah were
presenting their projects:

- October 20, 2013:
Hannah made 1st place at the CUPC2013 for her talk in the area of
Biophysics/Soft Matter. Epically awesome, Hannah!!!

- October 20, 2013:
Hannah Dies is presenting her project 'The Interaction of Amyloid-β
with Multicomponent Lipid Membranes' at the Canadian Undergraduate
Physics Conference CUPC2013 hosted by
McMaster. Congratulations, Hannah! Great talk! Hannah was also one
of the organizers of this great conference.

- October 1, 2013:
Prof. Rheinstadter is
talking about 'Frontiers in Membrane Biophysics' at the NSLS-II
Early Experiment Workshop specialized on inelastic X-ray scattering
at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

- September
Rick Alsop has re-joined the group as Master's student. He will
study the interaction between lipid membranes with common drugs.
Welcome, Rick!
- September 2013:
Lily Zhang has joined the
lab to study Giant Axonal Neuropathy. Welcome, Lily!
- September 2013:
Bonnie Cheung has joined the group for her Health Science Inquiry
Project about Alzheimer's disease. Welcome, Bonnie!
- September 3, 2013:
Fei-Chi presented her
project "Hierarchical, Self-Similar Structure in Native Squid Pen" at Symposium day @McMaster and gave a very nice
talk. Congratulations, Fei-Chi!

- August 29, 2013:
Laura and Maikel are
presenting at the
AMMCS 2013 in Waterloo.
Cristiano Dias organized a special session 'Simulations in Soft
Matter and Molecular Bio-Physics'. Thanks for inviting us,

- August 23, 2013:
Laura and Maikel are
conducting experiments at CNBC at Chalk River at the moment. Thanks
ton, Zahra, for having us and all your help! Here with John Katsaras...
 Laura and Zahra installing collimation to measure cholesterol rafts
in lipid membranes:

- Maikel installing the
humidity chamber:

- August 3, 2013:
Small science on big machines!

- July 29, 2013:
Laura and Maikel are currently conducting a neutron experiment using
at ISIS in the UK.
Thanks for having us, Vicky, and thanks to Rob B. and Rob D. for local contacting!

- July 15, 2013:

Laura's paper "Static
Magnetic Fields Enhance Lipid Order in Native Plant Plasma Membrane"
(Soft Matter, 2013, 9,
6804 (2013),
has been Featured in the
Matter Emerging Investigators themed issue 2013.
- July 2, 2013:
Trip to the Harbourfront!

- June 27, 2013:
Laura Toppozini was awarded a very prestigious NSERC-CGS
Scholarship! Congratulations, Laura!!!
- June 27, 2013:
Hannah Dies was awarded the
Gladys A. Young Scholarship. Congratulations, Hannah; well deserved!
- June 18, 2013:
Hannah is the face of
McMaster USRA!

- June 6-7, 2013:
The research teams of Drs. Cecile Fradin, An-Chang Shi, Paul Higgs,
Kari Dalnoki-Veress and Maikel Rheinstadter organized a two day
workshop at the WestWind Inn.

- June 3-7, 2013:
Hannah Dies, Fei-Chi Yang and Rick Alsop are attending the
Neutron Summer School at Chalk
River .
- June 1, 2013:
Private concert at Heathrow

- May 30, 2013:
Prof. Rheinstadter is invited to present at the
Neutrons and Life Sciences
Conference in Lund, Sweden. Thanks,
Wacklin, for the invitation and the organization of this great

- May 28, 2013:
Maikel is visiting the ESS!

- May 27, 2013:
Dr. Rheinstadter is visiting the
Niels Bohr Institute in
Copenhagen to meet with Prof.
Thomas Heimburg. Thomas and Maikel are writing History!

- April 2013:
Farewell BBQ for
Clare! All the best for you!

- April 2013
Laura, Fei-Chi and Maikel are presenting at the
Chemical Biophysics Symposium 2013
in Toronto, April 19-21

- April 17th, 2013:
Armstrong, PhD! Clare defended her PhD today. Congratulations, Dr Clare!

- March 2013
Laura Toppozini was awarded an NSERC PGS post graduate scholarship
for her PhD work in the Laboratory for Membrane and Protein
Dynamics! Congratulations, Laura!

- February 2013
Hannah Dies was awarded an NSERC USRA to work in our lab during the
summer. Congratulations, Hannah! Well deserved and we are very much
looking forward to having you!
- February 18, 2013
Fei-Chi is investigating molecular chitin structure of squid pen!

- February 5, 2013
Clare Armstrong is the speaker of the
Physics Colloquium
at Brock University. She is talking about "Frontiers in Membrane
- February 2013, dino attacks

- January 2013
Laura Toppozini was awarded
the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and
Technology. Congratulations! Well deserved, Laura!
- Happy Holidays 2012! (check
out santasnaps.mcmaster.ca)

- December 5th: Nikolaus Party 2012! HoHoHo...;-)

- November 2012
Hannah presented a beautiful poster at the NSERC-USRA poster session
on the projects she worked on over summer. Congratulations,
fantastic job, Hannah!!! Hannah also attended the CUPC 2012 in
Vancouver !
- October 2012
Clare, Laura, Fei-Chi and Maikel are presenting at the
General Meeting 2012 of the Canadian Institute for Neutron
Scattering (CINS) at Brock University. Thanks for the great
organization to Thad and Drew! Maikel gave an overview of the work done in the Laboratory for
Membrane and Protein Dynamics. Clare, Laura and Fei-Chi had
beautiful posters. Clare won the award for the best poster.

- October 2012
Clare and Maikel are invited to present at the
JCNS Workshop 2012: Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering
for Soft Matter and Biophysics at the Evangelische Akademie in
Tutzing, close to Munich. This was a very inspiring meeting. We also
visited the FRMII reactor at the Technical University and JCNS!

- September 2012
Fei-Chi is joining our group to work on her Master's degree.
Welcome; we are very excited!
- August 2012
We are conducting a neutron scattering experiment at Chalk River. We
have a high cholesterol membrane on N5 to hopefully decipher the
molecular structure of the liquid ordered phase.

July 2012 We are currently conducting a neutron spin-echo experiment at the
NIST Center for Neutron Research at Gaithersburg with Antonio and

- July 2012
Matt Barrett is leaving us for a PhD in neutron physics at the
Center Berlin in Germany with Dr. Klaus Kiefer and Dr. Thomas
Hauss. It was great having you Matt. All the best!!! We had a nice
farewell BBQ...
- June 2012
We attended the
Conference on Neutron Scattering 2012 at the Georgetown
University in Washington DC. Laura: Poster (about ethanol in membranes), perfect! Matt: Talk (about chain formation in ferrofluids), perfect! Clare: Talk (about nanodomains in membranes), perfect!
- June 2012
Matt Barrett is now Master Matt! Congratulations to your Master's
degree. Title of his thesis is "Structure and Dynamics of Model
Systems: From Ferrofluids to Brain Membranes"
- May 2012
Hannah Dies is the recipient of a NSERC USRA award to do research in
our lab over the summer. Congratulations and welcome, Hannah!
- April 2012
Our group had several
contributions at the
2012 Chemical Biophysics Symposium at Toronto: Matt gave a fantastic talk about his work on the interaction between
Asprin and membranes:

Laura had a beautiful poster about her work on RNA polymerization:

Richard was very busy explaining his ideas about the
Low-Dose-Aspirin Therapy:

And Clare gave a seminal talk about her new technique to detect
rafts in membranes:
 and handled the many questions very well:

- September 23, 2011
Prof. Rheinstadter is invited to give the colloquium in the
Department of Physics at McGill University
- September 20, 2011
Prof. Rheinstadter is invited to give a colloquium in the Department
of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
- September 2011
Richard Alsop is joining our lab to conduct his 4th year thesis in
experimental biophysics. Welcome!
- August 25, 2011
Prof. Rheinstadter is invited to give a lecture at the
European Biophysics Congress (EBSA2011) in Budapest. This was a
very stimulating meeting at a fantastic location!

- August 2011
Laura Toppozini is joining the team as PhD student. Great to have
you, Laura!
- August 15, 2011
Martin Kaye has very successfully defended his Master's thesis.
Congratulations, Master Martin!!!
- August 1-12, 2011
We are conducting an experiment at the CNBC Chalk River to see
nanodomains in lipid membranes. Experiment was a success! Stay
- June 29-30, 2011
Prof. Rheinstadter is invited to give a talk at the
XDL2011 Workshop 6- Frontier Science with X-ray Correlation Spectroscopies using
Continuous Sources at Cornell University, Ithaca NY. Great
meeting; thanks for organizing, Arthur!
- May 9-13, 2011
We (Clare, Martin, Matt, Songbo and Maikel) are attending the
11th Canadian Neutron
Scattering Summer School of the Canadian
Institute for Neutron Scattering at Chalk River. Thank you so
much for organizing, Zahra! This is a great school!

- May 2011
Clare Armstrong and Matthew Barrett have both been awarded an
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) for their work with proteins in
our lab! Congratulations!!!
- March 2011
Clare Armstrong,
Martin Kaye and
Matt Barrett have presented their work in talks at the 2011 APS
March Meeting in Dallas.
- March, 2011
Clare Armstrong is the recipient of one (of only 6!) of the 2011
March Meeting
Travel Awards of the Division of Biological Physics.
Enjoy Dallas!
- March, 2011
Clare Armstrong has been awarded an "Ann Poucher Windsor
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology".
Congratulations! Well deserved, Clare!
- February, 2011
Songbo Zheng has been awarded
an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program to conduct
summer research in our lab. Congratulations, Songbo! Well done!
- January 13, 2011
Prof. Rheinstadter is invited to present at BILL2011. This is a very
exciting and stimulating meeting which brings together the experts
in our field. (http://www.ill.eu/news-events/events/bill2011/programme/)
Thanks for organizing, Giovanna! Excellent meeting!
- January, 2011
We welcome Songbo Zheng in our team! Songbo will study structure of
Alzheimer's membranes in our lab.
- December 2010/January 2011
We wish everybody Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2011!
- December 9, 2010
Prof. Rheinstadter was serving on a thesis committee in Grenoble,
France. Congratulations, Dr. Marcus Trapp! Well done!
- November 23, 2010
The installation of our brand new Rigaku SmartLab is currently
taking place. Today
we were very happy to see for the first time:

- October/November 2010:
We are currently running an experiment at the Cold Neutron Chopper
Spectrometer at the SNS. Experimental team Clare, Martin, Maikel,
Dr. Karin Schmalzl from the ILL in Grenoble, and Dr. Thomas Hauss
from the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin. Stay tuned for exciting data!  There was also time for a hike in the Smokey Mountains

- October 2010
We are getting ready for an experiment at the Spallation Neutron
Source in Oak Ridge. In this cutting edge experiment we will study
protein-protein interactions in a biological membrane under
physiological conditions in-situ
 Clare, Dr. Thomas Hauss from HZB and Matt preparing samples
- October 15th, 2010
2010 General Meeting of the Canadian Institute for Neutron
Scattering in Saskatoon:
The Future of
Neutron Scattering in Canada
- September 2010
We conducted the first neutron scattering experiment at the Canadian
Neutron Beam Centre at Chalk River after NRU's long shutdown. In a
very exciting experiment we were able to observe nanodomains in
lipid membranes. We are very happy that the neutrons are back to
- September 2010
Nick Jago and Michael Moore joined the lab to conduct their senior
thesis. Great to have you! They will develop protocols to make model
brain membranes and conduct and analyze the first x-ray experiments
on iX, our brand new membrane diffractometer.
- September 2010
Construction of our lab, the CFI funded Laboratory for Membrane and
Protein Dynamics is almost completed. Check out the lab pages and
stay tuned!
- July 2010
Matthew Barrett has joined our group. Welcome! He will first work a
magnetic fluids before going bio and preparing model brain membranes
and model Alzheimer's plaques.
June 15th, 2010 Prof. Rheinstadter is
teaching at the CIFAR Summer Forum on Interdisciplinary Nano
June 13-17, 2010, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- June 11th, 2010:
Clare Armstrong received
the award for The Best Student Oral Presentation at the
2010 CAP Congress.
Congratulations!!! Clare's presentation "Protein-Protein Interactions in Membranes" has
been selected as best presentation in the Division of Medical and
Biological Physics before entering the final competition.
- June 2010:
Clare Armstrong and Martin Kaye have presentations at the
American Conference on
Neutron Scattering (ACNS) 2010 in Ottawa.
- June 2010:
Clare Armstrong, Martin Kaye and Maikel Rheinstädter
have presentations at the
Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress 2010 in Toronto.
- April 2010:
Clare Armstrong's beam time proposal
"Concerted protein dynamics of bacteriorhopdopsin in purple
membrane" has been
awarded 6 days of beam time on
Neutron Chopper Spectrometer (CNCS) at the
Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). Congratulations!
- April 2010:
Prof. Rheinstadter was interviewed by The Hamilton Spectator about
the isotope and neutron beam crisis in Canada. (Read the article:
- April 2010:
Prof. Rheinstadter has been appointed Member of the
Science Review Committee for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL)
neutron scattering facilities.
- December 16, 2009:
Our Laboratory has been
awarded a grant by the Canada Foundation for Innovation's (CFI)
Leaders Opportunity Fund.
Read the
Daily News article.
- December 8, 2009:
Our neutron beam time proposal "Proteins at work: light-induced
protein dynamics of bacteriorhopdopsin in purple membrane" has been
awarded 14 days of beam time on the triple-axis spectrometer
at the Berlin Neutron Scattering Center. Allocation of
beam time is a very competitive process and we are very happy.
- November 27/28, 2009:
The Soft-Matter and Biophysics group at McMaster organized its first
SoftmatterBio@MAC Retreat,
November 27-28, 2009.