Physics 8660  Syllabus
FS 2008

Course Information
Course title Methods in Mathematical Physics
Course number Physics 8660
Course description Concentrates on mathematical techniques used in modern physics. Infinite series, functions of a complex variable, differential equations, Fourier series and integral, etc.
Course date Monday, Aug. 25 - Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008
Location Room 433 Physics Building
Meeting day(s) Tuesdays, Thursdays (lectures)
Meeting time(s) 9:00 - 10:15 AM
Prerequisite(s) PHYSICS 4700 or instructor's consent.
Name Maikel Rheinstadter
Course Email
Office location Room 318 Physics Building
Office hours Office hours: Thursdays 1 to 2:45 PM, Rm 318, or can be determined by mutual agreement in the first class or by (email) appointment.
Phone 882-3217
Required reading Mathematical Methods For Physics,
by H. W. Wyld,
Published by Westview Press, March 1999
ISBN-10: 9780738201252
ISBN-13: 0738201251
Course Policies
  1. Class
This is a 3 credit hours course.

2. Lectures
You are required to attend lectures and read the material from your textbook
prior to lectures.

3. Homework
There will be 6 homework assignments, each with two problems (on average). Homework will be graded and each problem sheet is worth 20 points. The problems will be available on-line and due approximately two weeks after they have been distributed. The exact dates can be found in the course calendar. Late assignments will not be accepted without an acceptable reason such as illness. Problems will be discussed and solutions given in the lecture. Your homework solutions should be thorough, self-contained, and logical. Explain your steps.

4. Exam
There will be a final exam during class time, worth 80 points. You automatically receive a grade of F in this class if you miss the exam.

5. Attendance
Attendance will be taken. Each lecture is worth 1 point (30 points in total).

6. Student behavior
You are required to come to class on time. Please turn off your cell phones before coming to class. The student whose cell phone rings during class will be asked to leave the class.
Grading Scheme

Course grades will be given on the plus/minus scale, based on the following scheme:
6 Graded Homework 
Total Points
less than 65%
65% to 67.9%
68% to 68.9%
69% to 74.9%
75% to 76.9%
77% to 78.9%
79% to 83.9%
84% to 86.9%
87% to 88.9%
89% to 92.9%
93% and above
Special Needs

   If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please inform me immediately. Please see me privately after class, or at my office.

   To request academic accommodations (for example, a note taker), students must also register with Disability Services, AO38 Brady Commons, 882-4696. It is the campus office responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting academic accommodations, and for accommodations planning in cooperation with students and instructors, as needed and consistent with course requirements. 
University Policy on Academic Dishonesty

    Academic honesty is fundamental to the activities and principles of a university. All members of the academic community must be confident that each person's work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. The academic community regards academic dishonesty as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences that range from probation to expulsion. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, or collaboration, consult us.

   The University has specific academic dishonesty administrative procedures. Although policy states that cases of academic dishonesty must be reported to the Office of the Provost for possible action, instructors may assign a failing grade for an assignment or a failing grade for the course, or may adjust a grade as deemed appropriate. Instructors also may require students to repeat the assignment or to perform additional assignments.